I will be posting code, so here is a test to see how it looks...
Well, that shows that I need more width... maybe a smaller font; otherwise it seems okay.
match roll with
| n when n < 3 -> (age+1,ap_age), stats, age_total, NoCrisis
| n when n < 10 -> age_one_year, stats, age_total, NoCrisis
| n when n < 13 -> age_one_year, aged (select 1), age_total+1, NoCrisis
(* 13 -> bad luck... same as 22+ *)
| 14 -> age_one_year, aged [Stat.qik], age_total+1, NoCrisis
| 15 -> age_one_year, aged [Stat.sta], age_total+1, NoCrisis
| 16 -> age_one_year, aged [Stat.per], age_total+1, NoCrisis
| 17 -> age_one_year, aged [Stat.pre], age_total+1, NoCrisis
| 18 -> age_one_year, aged [Stat.str;Stat.sta], age_total+2, NoCrisis
| 19 -> age_one_year, aged [Stat.dex;Stat.qik], age_total+2, NoCrisis
| 20 -> age_one_year, aged [Stat.com;Stat.pre], age_total+2, NoCrisis
| 21 -> age_one_year, aged [Stat.int;Stat.per], age_total+2, NoCrisis
| _ -> let points = points_to_decrepitude age_total in
age_one_year, aged (select points), age_total+points, Crisis
Well, that shows that I need more width... maybe a smaller font; otherwise it seems okay.